chacruna-mtina's avatar
oo waooo!!! then you will get special gift from me :))
menahau's avatar
yay!! I just have to wait a few weeks until I have my paycheck but then I'll contact you with my order at your website ;) keep on going with love and light!
chacruna-mtina's avatar
few days ago i send one cecklace to peru!! and i wos thinking how to pack myself also hehe,, and your country aaaahhhhh,,, i realy hope that for 3years i will wisit your beaaautifoool country,, and your languege WAOOOOO its so beautifol, i can see myself how i sit on market and just listening languege,for me your languege is languege of passion,, so maybe with necklace you also get me hehe
menahau's avatar
well thank you :) you're welcome to visit us here in portugal..and Boom festival2012 is near.. pack yourself!! heheheh
chacruna-mtina's avatar
i hawe it on my mind, if we will go to the boom,, im will definitly send you note :)
menahau's avatar
yes do that if you come to Boom :)