Comment on Drenched by Alpha-Element

SolarArchitect's avatar
Really nice planet textures you have here. Well done! Maybe you could enhance the scene with some ambient light and reduce the contrast of the distant planet, but thats just my taste ;)
Good job anyway!
Alpha-Element's avatar
thanks!:) glad you like it!;)
i would had added ambient light to the scene, i really want to, but i dont know how to, unfortunately!:(
SolarArchitect's avatar
Use gradients or simple colors (lighter ones) and lower their opacity and play with the blend modes (mostly lighteen works well). Put this layer above distant objects so the distant objects looses some contrast and this makes them more "natural". Hope that helps a bit.
Alpha-Element's avatar
ok thanks!:)
umm, not to be a bother or anything, but do you also know how to add side light rays to a scene, like the ones in silent giant, they would really help with my art! please if you can!:)
SolarArchitect's avatar
yep! Its simple too. Pick the gradient tool and set it to noise (something like this: [link]) and on a new layer draw a simple gradient. you should have noting but noisy lines. Destaturate it and set the blend mode to soft light. Thats can use blur filters to enhance the effect or use multiple gradient layers. Play with it.

Cheers ;)
Alpha-Element's avatar
really!?:omfg: thats all there is to it!:o and i thought it was some complex process!:O if i new it was that easy, i would had used it in all the scenes where i needed it!:omfg:
this will really come in handy!:) thanks again my friend!:)
SolarArchitect's avatar
You are welcome! Im glad I could help. ;)