Drflash55's avatar
But her tail is outside the 4th wall, so Rainbow Dash doing that will cause it to break it even more.. Possibly even making it shatter...
Fire5236's avatar
Then they both are free.
xormak's avatar
when the 4th wall shatters...does that mean i can meet all the ponies in RL ?
Fire5236's avatar
And that would be
xormak's avatar
ohmygosh ohmygosh  ohmygosh  ohmygosh  ohmygosh
that wouldn't be AWSOME that would be PONYTASTICAL FABULOUS
No it wouldn't. think about it. i know that ponies are awesome but still if they got to be in the real world. how would People react? if they saw flying and even talking coloured ponies. first everyone would be in panicing. then there would be a 3 world war since maybe just 1 country got ponies and the others wanted some too. but they wouldn't give it. then ponies would be in area 51 where they will be cut open and find out of they speak and how they can do Magic. still a lot of bronies will put it on youtube that they are in real life, it would be awesome without that a lot of People will die in the war. and the nobronys will og kill the characters. that means that the pony world will also og in war With the real world. just chaos. maybe even discord breaks out and destroys the world. think about it....
xormak's avatar
-_- never time for a little bit of humour? of course that would happen i know but it's not forbidden to share thoughts with other people right? that are just thoughts at the condition of a peaceful and humane thinking government. i hope you don't really think that i was serious. Cya maybe.