Nitrofires-Revenge's avatar
Sides: whats it look like?
bronwynhoures's avatar
Nightfury: *press to the wall and keep her optics shut* w-well get out or put your fragging armor back on! Slaggit all can't you go somewhere else!?
Nitrofires-Revenge's avatar
Sunny: we're comfy here. Wanna join us?
bronwynhoures's avatar
Nightfury: *completely ignores the question out of embarrassment and blushes hard* it's my room! And I want to recharge before Ratchet comes to get me for my shift! Can't you freaking go to your own room?!
Nitrofires-Revenge's avatar
Sides: you can recharge with us here
Sunny: yeah we wont do anything you dont want us to do
bronwynhoures's avatar
Nightfury: *shifts before sighing* at least put you armor back on... Please?
Nitrofires-Revenge's avatar
Sides: it shrunk in the wash
bronwynhoures's avatar
Nightfury: .... *sighs before slowly and cautiously making her way over*
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