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I did wha you do Piplupandpinkiepie I do dis...Uh oh.TOP Crazy   ASDFGHJKL George bush Falcon - Freaked out AAAA - Halloween Emote Freak Out Mistletoe chase :omgomgbb: Octopus for the animal project France (Scared) [V2] One of the scariest zelda moments... EVER. Lovely Shoujo (Aaaaah Nooo) [V3] Scaredgritoplz  Kiara cry Racing Girl Emoji (Aaaaaahhh) [V4] Usopp (Scared) [V3] :thumb454270282: Scared SCARY Sparta Emoji-15 (It's a penguin aaaahh) Kaori Scared Icon What Soldier SpongeBob (Cries) STITCH LLORA Neko Emoji-14 (Cry) [V1] happy cry XD Frozen - Elsa Crying Icon Cry run Llama Emoji-08 (Crying) [V1] Big Fool Emoji-07 (Cry) [V2] Komari Kamikita (Crying) [V5] Bunny Emoji-09 (Cry) [V1] Pyong Cry [EXO] Kris ''Legit'' Crying Emoticon 1 Jake crying plz Pikachu crying Pikachu crying plz Luffy Anime Emoji (Cry) [V4] Racing Girl Emoji (Running Cry) [V2] cry for 2 min than hid for 3 minhide Llama Emoji-56 (Hiding) [V3] Frozen - Elsa is afraid 
Don't be scared, its just a ear rape at the end. 3