Comment on Sexy Supergirl by GarthFT

Alitain's avatar
Echoing that. Stunning art, love the Supergirl work you did. Also enjoyed reading your blog about it. Again as with Superman very sensible design choices. Would love to see you do more superheroes honestly you have a neat style. And yeah, Supergirl really does go through WAY too many costumes. Check out this comic, dude does some nice art but the comic is about Supergirl's changing fashions. Actually the timing of your pic was pretty funny because I found this comic just yesterday. Your post made me think of it.
GarthFT's avatar
Ha, yeah. I had seen that, very cute, very true. Though Batgirl has gone through quite a few iterations over the years too, though usually less drastic.

If you or anyone else have any suggestions for superheroes, male or female, they'd like to see me redesign, let me know. I'm always open to suggestions.