S3NTRYdesigns's avatar
Why thank you! :) I think I will just submit the original case design to use as a printable.

I saw the official cover design, and listened to Ken Levine's statements on it and there is some logic behind his choice for using the artwork he did. However, I do believe it to be an artistic and design cop-out. I don't believe he had to go to those lengths to get the game to an audience. In fact I think he should have done the exact OPPOSITE; have a phenomenal box cover designed and use it.

What many companies are losing sight of is that a series like Call Of Duty doesn't need to focus on cover design because as long as the name Call of Duty is on the cover, it'll sell. It is sad to say, but sometimes the higher ups force you into doing what you don't want because of sales, and their choice was CLEARLY a marketing department decision. I think we all can agree that the game had incredible art direction and didn't need to be subjected to marketing schemes to get fans attention in a game store.

And as a side note, Blair Harter can suck it. It's not "...a box cover."