Diadrin's avatar
To which Celestia then replied

"I told you that you needed to make some friends."

Seriously? It's fine if you have a personal opinion. But if you're going to use canon to support it, and you feel the inane need to quote lines from the show, make sure to quote the ENTIRE conversation. -_-
LukeTheRipper's avatar
Used canon to reply to someone else using canon, next time, do read the ENTIRE conversation.
Diadrin's avatar
I did read the entire conversation - apparently, you think you're having an entirely different conversation.

Your argument is fallacious. Your evidence has been proven incorrect. Bow out with some grace, save yourself some dignity at least. Your entire argument here depends on Celestia having told Twilight that the Nightmare Moon prophecies were an old pony's tale. Which she did NOT say even once - the entire PURPOSE of Twilight's dialogue at this point in the episode is to display how she can let her assumptions cloud her judgment. Celestia's exact response to Twilight's letter included the phrase "You simply must stop reading those dusty old books," NEVER once saying that she actually believed (and never once lying to Twilight, if you think THAT'S where you're going to get to go with this) that. Twilight's assumption was exactly that - a mistaken conclusion based on a lack of proper perception and a lack of all the facts.

Which means that trying to use that argument, and trying to use that dialogue to back it up, is futile. So...where exactly is this difficult for you to follow?

Pay attention next time.
LukeTheRipper's avatar
Well then, do notice the whole conversation wasn't just about this one quote. So to whom exactly was conversation to difficult to follow.

I wrote a comment stating my opinion, which was a possibility. And got a reply from a person completely unrelated to neither the art nor the conversation, with just as much of a mere possibility.

And while I did use the first known Celestia's troll moment, as much as I dislike the "Trollestia" nickname, she did not get it because of this one alone. And since the other guy made it clear he's either a poor case of a fanboy or poor case of a troll, I value my time enough not to waste it on writing anything else to such persons. Though then again, I did write down a few other instances of Celestia's obliviousness (or downright trolling for some), something you decided to overlook when reviewing the conversation.

So I advice that you "Bow out with some grace, save yourself some dignity at least" and "Pay attention next time", or you can keep this up and prove how much of a troll you are.