ieachan's avatar
why cant you use faux fur
lupagreenwolf's avatar
For one thing, it doesn't fit or mold in the same way real fur does. For another thing, it's a very deeply entwined part of my spiritual path: [link]
SilentStriders's avatar
What would be the problem in getting a license to own a wolf as a pet???
lupagreenwolf's avatar
Wolves don't make good pets. They're wild animals, and their instincts kick in very early.
SilentStriders's avatar
Wolves are wild animals, yes. But raising on in a human environment wont make them become "wild."
lupagreenwolf's avatar
You can't get rid of instincts. Here, watch this documentary when you have the time. It explains how, behaviorally and biologically, dogs and wolves are different from birth, even when raosed by humans: [link]
SilentStriders's avatar
I know you can't... but a wolf's instinct is not to kill or attack humans. They are rather kind creatures. they will only attack a human if the wolf feels threatened.
SilentStriders's avatar
If wolves mean so much to you... why are you gonna wear a dead one? For real?? Im surely more spiritual about wolves than you... i cant even stand to see someone wearing this.
lupagreenwolf's avatar
Then don't ever go to a powwow; there are Native dancers who wear wolf and coyote hides as part of their regalia.
SilentStriders's avatar
Kay but if you believe in wolves as spiritual then why would you wear them?? i just dont understand that.
lupagreenwolf's avatar
Here. I've written a lot about the spirituality of what I do here: [link]
ieachan's avatar
thats the most ridiculous reason to kill an important part of the ecosystem.
lupagreenwolf's avatar
I didn't kill anything, for what it's worth. And I dare you to go to a Native powwow and tell the dancers wearing animal hides that they're "ridiculous". let me know how that goes.
ieachan's avatar
WE arent ridiculous, YOU are.
lupagreenwolf's avatar
Oh? And what's the difference?
ieachan's avatar
you arent one of us
lupagreenwolf's avatar
Okay. It's pretty clear you're only here to tell me how incredibly wrong I am, for whatever modicum of smug self-satisfaction and superiority that gives you. Therefore I am ending this conversation so that neither of us wastes any more pixels on it. Good evening.