John-Doe-51's avatar
And you, of course, would probably be the only one who knows what I'm talking about when I refer to her upcoming "role".
Jundigon's avatar
Unless you told anypony else, I doubt it. In my personal experience, not many people know what you're going to be referencing. It's a shame, as I rather like it a lot. :(
John-Doe-51's avatar
It would be quite the shame if no one got it...
Jundigon's avatar
That'd be interesting, actually. I suggest you make a Poll or something after the story is released. Whoever guesses it correctly gets a cookie. :D
John-Doe-51's avatar
Seeing as how the title would be similar, I would think people could guess it purely off of that.
Jundigon's avatar
Unless they live in their dark, lonely corner of the world where there is no such thing as classics. :D