misty2999's avatar
hehem well you dont really have to XD

Because i can X3
Abornoth's avatar
True. But it's just the kind of thing i love to think about. ^^

SU GRAH DUN! :iconvikingwarplx:
misty2999's avatar

NUUUUUUUU!! you win! you win!
Abornoth's avatar
Yeah, I love thinking of "What if i were in that possession what would i do" type of things. It's my crack.

:iconvictorydanceplz: Followed by. :icontbagplz:

Sorry had to. ^^;
misty2999's avatar
haha XD

its alright ^^ i would have done the same thing
Abornoth's avatar

There's nothing that makes a victory more sweet than a good T-bagging! :D