HyrulianMidna-3's avatar
do you mind i i base one of my drawings on this!/ i love the idea of it! heres another picture kinda like yours!:[link]
wah yours is so cool!
Beruseruku's avatar
Well thank you for your kind words, but you should think about your own ideas and not retaking ones from other people. Here it's okay because it's about a videogame, which has rights and copyrights and things like that. But if it wasn't, retaking my idea to do your drawing would be plagiarism.
My ideas are not free for sale.
HyrulianMidna-3's avatar
ahh i see, well i feel quite bad now >.< that's why i was asking your permission.
Beruseruku's avatar
At least you're asking, so it's quite nice. Some people just don't care and retake ideas without permission =)
And think about it : What's the point of retaking the idea of someone ? It's no more art and no more personal. Your ideas must come from you, you must really think about them.
HyrulianMidna-3's avatar
oh! no problem. yeah i don't take peoples permission without asking. i'm not rude like that :T. and you're right, i should work on my own ideas ^^" but i do love this idea of yours so so much! you should be proud c: thank you for making such an amazing piece of art! ^^
Beruseruku's avatar
Well, I try to be as original as possible :) Thank you !
HyrulianMidna-3's avatar
you are succeeding. no problem!