alexwarlorn's avatar
And. This is made all the more twisted since Celestia at that age WAS Discord's best friend!
Kendell2's avatar

Also, since it wasn't revealed at the time, I'm retconing Celestia calling Discord a murderer to be because, unlike her, he enjoys that he was the cause of the destructions of his race and Celestia's (and murdered Destruction) and takes credit, so she has every right to be ticked about that. At least in my head...
alexwarlorn's avatar
Makes me wonder how things were for her . . . when she woke up from the twisted fantasy world Discord gave her.

There's also something ELSE to consider . . . unlike all of Discord's other victims, Celly was . . . happy n her tainted state.
Kendell2's avatar
I think the torture there was going to be turning her back to normal and letting her remember what she did while Discorded, how she used her subjects as plaything for her own amusement. Sound like somebody she utterly loathes?
alexwarlorn's avatar
Or Discord was being nostalgic. He wants to eat his cake and have his cake.

He wants to be happy like he was as Dissey, but at the same time continue to feed his love of complete confusion and sadism and just plain bonkers ponies.
Kendell2's avatar
Yeah, true. And that's why he CAN'T be truly happy, he can't give up his fun despite knowing he was probably truly happier as Dissy. My opinion anyway.