Sindergosa's avatar
I quite like this, but I wouldn't really call it a tutorial. More like a step-by-step. A tutorial would explain each step in the process, but this has major gaps. How would I know how to add the shine to the metal? Just saying.
kwikdraw's avatar
Why wouldn't you call it a tutorial as it is by definition?
It may not be as detailed as you wish, but that does not make it not what it is.:bucktooth:

tu·to·ri·al (t-tôr-l, -tr-, ty-)
Of or relating to tutors or a tutor.
Something that provides special, often individual instruction, especially:
a. A book or class that provides instruction in a particular area.
b. Computer Science A program that provides instruction for the use of a system or of software.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Codin-the-Fe-Matoran's avatar
It's funny because that doesn't really define this at all. :'D
kwikdraw's avatar
What's so funny? Did you even read this? "Something that provides special, often individual instruction"?

This is getting boring. I'm not going to answer this kind of question anymore. :yawn:
Codin-the-Fe-Matoran's avatar
I know that what you're looking for is an answer from someone you decide is smart enough to consider, but I'm just a teenager who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and it's really just a word in the title anyway. I'm gonna make my point very brief. This man is a very talented artist, and I doubt that your little qualm with my friend means anything to him, but the evidence is right there for you to see. The only thing that provides any "instruction" in this piece is the colour palette in the top row, and that's not a tutorial. It's a reference. Do you know what else you call a reference with stages of progress? A step-by-step.
Sindergosa's avatar
..Did you really just do that? :L
kwikdraw's avatar
Of course. What wouldn't KD do? :bucktooth:
Sindergosa's avatar
This is probably around the time where I give up trying to explain.
kwikdraw's avatar
Oh, you give up easy, eh? :bucktooth:
Sindergosa's avatar
I just have better things to do instead of wasting time arguing. Kills the good mood, ya' know? But judging by your quick reaction, I can tell you're fairly butthurt, so I'll take a cap and maybe submit it to :iconbutthurtbrigade:

Other than that, good day. :)
kwikdraw's avatar
Pretty pathetic. I will now just ban you and your kind.