IchBinRagady's avatar
Wow! So glad the DA buttons worked on my computer enough to let me see this! It was DEFINITELY worth the wait, but then I knew it would be. :)
The sheer amount of detail in this...yes. So much yes. Oh god yes. I especially love that everyone has their own expressions, their own stances that really help to show just what kind of character they are. You captured Ragady and Stitches perfectly, by the way. Her quiet yet intense focus, and boy does Stitches look smug! It's so fabulous! Lord, I can't even imagine how long this must have taken you, the work really shows in the details.

Also, yes, I'm pretty sure they could take Batman. There's more than enough of them, he'd better have brought back-up or gone in with a good plan! >_<
rotten-apples's avatar
Thank you-- I'm glad I captured your characters the right way :)
IchBinRagady's avatar
I think yours is my absolute favorite drawing of Stitches I've seen so far. God I'm so bad at drawing guys.