Jamesf5's avatar
Nice work Nafyo, I remember that Donald Duck game, it was such a really cool game, I miss all the amazing Sega Genesis games from the 90's, they where so awesome along with the Sonic the Hedgehog one's Keep up the great Nafyo. :D

and I'm really really really sorry I have not been commenting on your arts for a long time, I have been really busy with lots of things, so I'm only mostly on this site when I get the time :aww: anyway great work Nafyo, I love Donald Duck as much as you do :dance: :w00t: LONG LIVE DONALD DUCK!!! :D :D :D
Nafyo-Toons's avatar
Thanks bud :aww:: Indeed Cool and never noticed Donald so brave to Travel all over the world to impress his annoying GF Daisy XD

Yeah that's true :nod the first Crush on sonics was that time :P I well Buddy and thanks a gain :)

I Understand bud, no need to be sorry about ;)
Hell yeah :la:
Jamesf5's avatar
Hahahaha! :XD: you're very welcome :D
Nafyo-Toons's avatar