Zephyros-Phoenix's avatar
Thanks! Your praise means a lot! :D It's funny because usually I'm not fond of rainbow color schemes because they tend to be too overpowering on the eyes, but with Ghost they really worked out. Yeah, I've seen some of those really bad characters. My main rule with my characters was no hedgehog, foxes or echidnas. I just never saw why some people would choose those species when there are so many species to choose from! Personally, the thing I like about my Mythsetians is that they could honestly exist in their own universe if I wanted them to. When I was making them up, I didn't want them to have any immediate connection to the canon elements. Plus, I'm magic and mythological creature obsessed XD
Well said. And I see you take care to avoid Mary Sue-/Gary Stu-dom.
TheCookie669's avatar
You're welcome, and that's all true. When making fan characters, they have to be new animals. There are already enough hedgehogs. We got Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Scourge, and Mephiles. And echidnas are all supposed to be extinct except for Knuckles, Tikal, and Shade. Randomly bringing another one out of nowhere would be nonsense. And cats are ok, but I feel like they're a bit cliche and overused. Big and Blaze are the only cat characters. But I feel that cats are too common as fan characters in every fandom. Maybe a good cat character could say otherwise, but I haven't seen one yet, so I'm not convinced.
Zephyros-Phoenix's avatar
Totally! I don't see why people would choose hedgehog to begin with really! And even with cats, there are so many different types of felines in the world and some people just want to stick with generic "cat"?
TheCookie669's avatar
I know right, it's just so true. There are so many different types of felines and different animals to choose from. "Cat" is just so overused and cliche.
Zephyros-Phoenix's avatar
Yeah, that's why I went with things like ocelots, jaguars and leopards for my cats lol
TheCookie669's avatar
Yes, that's MUCH more creative than just "cat". I like your thinking. And loads of other animals other than cats have pointy ears too. Cats aren't the only animals with pointy ears.