Comment on BEING by McCorvey92

knight-of-rosubia's avatar
I love the evolution of your art work McCorvey, it's badass if i do say so myself. Keep up the good work bro!
McCorvey92's avatar
I'm glad you think so bro :), I should be done with my newest drawing soon.
knight-of-rosubia's avatar
yeah i just bought a new sketchpad and started a new one this morning. i hope to complete it in the next couple of days. ill have this one up, and then another one i haven't scanned in yet. Keep up the good work. I swear i love this site. its so much inspiration to keep drawing and developing my art. i love to see all the growth and change on here. it really is s strong community
McCorvey92's avatar
Hell yeah man, I'll totally check those out now and tell you what I think. Yeah it is a pretty cool site, I just wish I had premium membership so I can show more people my art, but I agree.