KryptonKnight1961's avatar
Seeing this, I can imagine James as a yahg, (size and strength compared to other characters) Kaidan as a salarian (intelligence and lateral thinking) and Shepard as a Prothean (unites people from several different races to fight the Reapers). Ashley, meanwhile, is a krogan (the Normandy's resident ccombat specialist).
domirine's avatar
oh my god this is perfect, i can totally see it. and steve cortez would be a quarian, what's with all his shuttle/tech speciality (and being an awkward, super loyal cutie). wonder who dr chakwas would be, maybe some partying hard salarian scientist
KryptonKnight1961's avatar
Nah, I think the doc is scraping hanar (calmness and family woman; also, never ever resorts to threats or bad language, something no other character in the series has managed to accomplish without being hanar)but I agree with Steve being quarian.
domirine's avatar
haha, well there's blasto... but i hear you, plus, having tenactles in the med bay would make things easier on the poor woman. (it's difficult to operate holding a brandy glass after all)
KryptonKnight1961's avatar