Kemmasandi's avatar
XD Yeah... I've had him for close to five years now, so I have a crapload of information about him.
Thank you very much! ♥
Infernalfeather's avatar
That is quite a long time O.O
You're welcome :D
thanks for the watchback :iconbigheartplz:
Kemmasandi's avatar
Well, I've been a bleach fan for years and years XD Zaraki and Yachiru drew me in~

No problemo, thank you for the watch in the first place!
Infernalfeather's avatar
Oh sweet :D the great story and pacing of the SS brought me in. Then everything else after kept getting worse and my interest in bleach was meh. But this last arc really got me back into it.

:D you're welcome!
Kemmasandi's avatar
XD Me too, really. I worshipped the ground Kubo walked on while the SS arc was going on~ But then about halfway through the Arrancar arc I realised I really didn't care about anyone but Renji, Iba and the eleventh-divisioners anymore, so I quit reading and moved on to One Piece instead (which thus far, over 650 chapters later, hasn't disappointed me yet :D) I'll have to have a look at this latest arc though; I hear there have been some dramatic moments lately~
Infernalfeather's avatar
Guess he got lazy when he made it to top 3 manga in Japan status. I never really got into One Piece saw the anime on CN and read over 100 chapters but it never got me interested, just not my cup of tea. The last arc is shaping up to be freaking fantastic, as long as plotkais and popularity BS does not get in the way.