milance941's avatar
Game Assasin for PoP FS and Maki for PoP4
blueobelix's avatar
Maki, never heard of it and i don't find it anywhere. SORRY for bothering but can you link me to some download?
milance941's avatar
It's very simple to use :)
blueobelix's avatar
sigh, is there any tutorial in there ?
blueobelix's avatar
I DONT KNOW who you are but i think i love you
milance941's avatar
Thanks :) We'll continue our converation somwhere else :)
Don't want to disturb Malik =p
blueobelix's avatar
right right,i learned anyhow how to use it, i just get on nerves because it exctracts in alot of places. ok we will continue our convo via pm, THANK YA AGAIN!