Lancer873's avatar
Well, nobody's really sure. It could be that Cancer is making them have visions of the past, or maybe Snippy's having dreams of the future. Or maybe he's just having irrelevant dreams and none of this ever really comes true, though I doubt Alexiuss would go for that route. The fact that Snippy's acting in the past based on his dreams would point to it being the dream-route, but who knows.

Well, Vitally knows, of course, so I guess we'll just have to wait.
NoriMori's avatar
I know nobody's "really sure", but it's a reasonable assumption and I'd like to think that it all happens at some point. Besides Snippy said his dreams were about the future — why would he say that if he didn't know? Plus, him dreaming about choking Pilot in the past may not have happened, his memories might be mixing with stuff he already knows to make it seem like that.

But yeah. Alexius will hopefully tell us eventually.