sage666's avatar
Exactly! :D
Everyone except for Tomoe, not that he hates Kokutou.
Lio is clinging on to Shiki in this pic but the creator Kinoko Nasu
commented that he is subconsciously transgender and is actually attracted to
"male Shiki" and Kokutou. I personally think Tomoe have probably liked
Kokutou (as a friend/mentor) if only they met before Shiki did.
ximsol182's avatar
Maybe, but probably in the case of Tomoe I think it was on purpose to broke the standard.

Ha! I always knew it! It was obvious after the HoYay scenes with Brokutou in the novel (Too bad they were cut from the film, especially the speech after Lio thinks he killed Kokutou).

Definetely KnK needs moar luv :heart: