Plague-Doc-Matteo's avatar
Hehe, thank you. Hows your Valentines day going? Spending it with anyone special?
InTheWings's avatar
Spending it with my fiance on Skype watching movies. :) It's going great.
Plague-Doc-Matteo's avatar
Hehe. Still makin that long distant thing work? I really wish the person I cared for were more open minded to that. You've always been a source of inspiration to me for that. If I did meet a girl who was far away I wish she'd be like you and understand that sometimes its worth the wait and efforts. Cause when I think about the girl I like, it really would be. Plus I like a challenge. Its why I do what I do with the bionicles, cause it challenges me.
I recently had a girlfriend, here in town, same side of town. But it didn't work out for a myriad of reasons, but one of the reasons I think was that it was too easy, there was no intriguing challenge in the relationship, just "oh hey cool a relationship, to FUCK GET OFF MY CASE!" I was thinking to myself, "is it to the point where I'd actually prefer something like a long distance relationship to an immediate one?" Then I though "gee, is that pretty messed up of me?" And I don't really have anyone to talk to about these things. If I talk to the girl I like it aggravates her cause she thinks I'm asking for a relationship again. No one else I know is in or had relationships where they could give me advice(kinda the disadvantage to being a part of a fandom where the demographic is 15 year old nerdy guys). ^^;

Oops, sorry, I ended up rambling on and wrote a lot.
InTheWings's avatar
I don't mind the rambling. :) You know I'm in my mid-20's and my fiance's in his early 30's and we make it work through sheer force of will and dedication. We've been together nearly four years now (and still going!). A lot of people can't handle long distance relationships and I'll be honest with you: they're hard. It takes a special person on both sides to be able to make it work. And a lot of skype time. A LOT of skype time, lol!
Plague-Doc-Matteo's avatar
Hehe yeah. Skype really helps. I wish the girl I like was more keen to skyping. But we only do it so often. I understand its hard, and takes two people willing to make it work, but I also think we can connect more with people who aren't directly around us. We can open up more and be our true selves more in that initial meeting cause its safer to. Every time I meet some girl online that seems interesting(and is 18 or older) I kinda have a little glimmer of hope that things might go that way.
InTheWings's avatar
Well, keep at it! Things will work out.
Plague-Doc-Matteo's avatar
Thanks. Hope it does to. :)