VinillaOctopus's avatar

*calms down a bit* Okay... okay....

THIS IS SO EPIC! :squee: I'M IN CHAPTER 2 OF THE SEQUAL FROM THE BEST KILLJOY STORY EVER TO BE READ OR WRITTEN BY ANYONE EVER! Besides, look at what I DO! I'm Rainbow Riot's friend, and roommate and I get to look after a cute baby who's going to save the world, and frankly (hehehehe Frank =P) just sounds adorable!

I loved it by the way! :heart: I love the humour that you string through it! xD And I can't wait to see what Frenzy does! And Phoenix was so sweet! :meow: And poor Rainbow Riot :( I'm so glad she's been able to cope and is happy. She deserves it - and I miss Venom! :'(
Khadrimx's avatar
xD oh goodness lol. Yes I wanted to include you more so you'll be mixed more into the main characters. I always enjoy reading your comments and hearing your feedback so I really hope you take this as a big thank you for being so supportive of me for ages now! <3

I miss Venom too, but I think that Rainbow Riot dealing with the grief and being able to be strong really helped her grow up too. I think when she was with Venom she was sort of clingy and greedy because she wanted what was best for them instead of what was best for him, and now that she's a mother and on her own she's had to grow out of that and think of what's best for her son. :3 :heart: Thanks for reading!
VinillaOctopus's avatar
:squee: This is the best thank you I could get ever! :iconglomplz: and it's not even as if it's a thank you for doing much!! xD I love commenting on and reading your story, and you always reply and are lovely, so that's already enough of a thank you really - but anyway, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! :heart: :D

Yes, she kinda seems more in control now, and is much more rational. I mean - she always was, but even more so now. Probably down to the fact that she's thinking more about others, and how to raise her son like you said! And my pleasure! :meow: