TricksyWizard's avatar
Taking that garish tank is hardly the gentleman's way. Indeed, he just trots his steed straight out of the docking bay of the Normandy, mid-flight!

As for Lady Shepard... Oh my...
OgNimaeb's avatar
Mid-flight, of course! As a proper gentleman, Shepard has surely learned the secret of flying from Arthur Dent (from The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, it consists of avoiding the ground, with style).

I wonder what he makes Gardner serve at the canteen... :D
(I can see Garrus poking a kidney pie with a fork, wearing a vaguely nauseated expression, Mordin scrutinising a Yorkshire pudding, mentally running through the definitions of "pudding" to see what category it fits in...)

You *know* you want to draw Lady Shepard... ;D
Mobiusfan's avatar
Not avoiding the ground, but simply carrying on despite such trivialities. Avoiding the ground, what manner of ninny are you?