Comment on Head by sashas

Verric's avatar
No, turn it into a book and sell it!!! Those How-to-draw-manga books are selling really well these days. Man, even I have bought one. (Well, I bought it for the freebies that came with it :sweat: )

And your drawing and shading is so cool, so excellent! I would love to buy a book with this kind of stuff in it :)
sashas's avatar
I never got one of those how-to-draw manga books T__T Though they look good. I'm just too cheap & poor to buy them. How did you like the one you got?

Maybe I will publish them. I could make some money off 'em ^^. Though I think I'll finish the head tutorial for now--just to get a feel for what people need/whether they understand what I'm talking about ^^; And to see how many people would be interested in buying a copy.
Verric's avatar
I got a basic one for beginners. I already know (or, at least, I believe I already know) most of the basic concepts, but there were some interesting facts in it, like the difference between vinyl and rubber erasers ( :sweat: ). And the part about drawing women - I should really pay close attention to it. Besides, I believe a little in learning by oneself, where you observe, imitate, whatever. But then again, that's why I'm so behind for someone of my age - that's why I can't keep up with the tutorial-hand-fed youngsters of today :D :D

Your bookie-thingy needn't be neccessarily a tutorial, in the strictests sense tho, because from what I've seen, those how to draw books have very basic pics, little shading. Maybe your should be a demonstration, a suggestion, for what good art should look like to a novice artist... or an artnook!!! yeah!

...I think I talk too much =P
sashas's avatar
Yeah, I believe people should kinda learn on their own too. I had never taken any art classes til last year. At least nothing serious, that really required drawing abilitly to pass...and even that class wasn't hard at all. I pretty much taught myself anatomy and drawing. Btw, what is the difference between rubber and vinyl erasers. Vinyl is better, right?

Yeah, I have this one anatomy book, which doesn't explain anything O.O just give pictures and few minor notes.... Though the images explain alot to visual learner, I suppose.

I don't think you talk too much.... I actually find you quite entertaining.
Verric's avatar
It said rubber erasers were best for pencils 4B and up, and while you could wash your vinyl eraser in water, you cannot for your sounds a bit superstitious, lol, like "you can't bathe when the moon is full, or you'll go mad, or worse, turn into a vampire!"
sashas's avatar
You learn something new everday. Funny that I've been using erasers all this time and didn't know the difference... thanks.
Verric's avatar
It might not even be true tho...
sashas's avatar
I suppose, I'll have to test it sometime them ^___^