........ The picture is wonderful!
......... Well, if your secrets are embarrassing, then haha!
If they are sad, then you have my empathy.
And if they are neither, then you have whatever corresponding emotion matches them the best!

There! I'm done.
Iomma's avatar
My secrets are not embarrassing, but a few of them are shameful, and several are best NOT shared with others, mostly for their sake. I always feel that expressing my opinion is necessary, on all stances, and expect of everyone to do the same. But I know where the limits are, and do my best to be pleasant to everyone [except ignorant bigots].

I'm a Heretic of the Church, by the every definition of the word. I'm against EVERYTHING from the Abrahamic religions. I have suffered for it, in more ways than one, but I shall stand for what I believe is right. Even still, I do my best to try and not spout condescending opinions or ideas without providing proof. I also demand proof, and will accept it if it stands true. I also expect this of everyone: Question everything, and learn the reasons before you begin to hate. The nonsense of people is overwhelming sometimes.

My secrets however, I have little emotion towards, except for one.
.....Huh. Didn't see that coming.
Well, I question things if I have a good reason to or I am insatiably curious, but I prefer to try to be polite, even while i'm on the internet (Save for a bad mood or an off moment) since I don't like the idea of upsetting people. As for my religious beliefs, I am a Christian, but I am not a part of any official denomination and I don't try to be preachy unless I think it will work or if I am on the internet and I have a lapse of judgement. I believe that the Bible is true for the most part, but I wouldn't be surprised if the people who wrote it on behalf of God/the religion made a mistake or two. People do make mistakes. Also, I don't believe that science disproves God, only that God decided that the Universe could use a bit more order than a whimsical 'He says it and thus it was so.'
And that's some things about me in a nutshell. Now to wait and hope this doesn't bite me on a later date.......
Iomma's avatar
It's all cool, so long as you're not hating me for being gay, wearing mixed fabrics, or touching pork. I don't 'hate' religion, per say, just the exceptional zealous bigots, with which, most Christians also agree [or, some]. Its fine you worship, it really is, just leave other people alone while you do it. If you don't like someone, don't try to shove your religion down their throat. It's impolite. So is waving it around in the air like a dick waving contest. It's just plain rude.

I'm an Atheist, I'm polite if other people are polite, but I've had very literal stones thrown at me, my pay cut, a job or two lost, endlessly bullied, and to every atrocity people have thrown at me, I've stood my ground.

If I am to go and burn in Hell for not worshiping, then so be it. I'll accept that as my 'punishment' at that point. Until then, it's what I do here and now that makes the most difference, and after I die, I could care less where I go. I want my world a better place for other people to live without the need for fear, and if I can contribute to that, I'm happy.

I was religious for two years, mostly as a social experiment, then went back to science because it offered more comfort and answers. Faith isn't solving hate and violence, and science is for the good of everyone.

I even feel that weapon development is a necessary evil. Not for war, but sport.
Well, I said I wasn't preachy unless I thought that would actually work. And as for what had happened to you, anyone who calls themselves a Christian and does that to people is a liar and ought to be..... well, I don't know, but I don't believe that such reasonlessly hateful people aren't truly Christian. I would say more, but I would rather hold my tongue than annoy you with more of my opinions or arguments. I honestly am not comfortable discussing religion usually, in all irony.

So........... I heard you liek mudkips?
Iomma's avatar
I leik mudkips and roadtrips ^^
OOOh! Where have you been on these road trips, if you don't mind me asking?
Iomma's avatar
California and back, we got lost in the redwood mountains ^^
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