MachaPanta's avatar
Yeah, but you make the details instead of having to match someone else's. Canon characters, if you make a mistake, you may have to remake the part you are working on. If it's your OC and the dremel slips, you can make it into weathering or battle damage.
UlitmaSephiroth's avatar
ok that makes sense, when your doing your own stuff you already have an intimate knowledge of the details vs doing stuff other people made, that correct?
MachaPanta's avatar
Yes, and you can be more flexible. Costume groups also make lists for canon characters of things you must do and must have spot on with no deviation.
UlitmaSephiroth's avatar
ah yeah that does make it harder to fix when you have mistakes and such. Are you going to do any kinda jedi stuff? maybe Ben Skywalker with the GAG uniforms?