Delahkor's avatar
No, he didn't, he claimed Buddhism is just as bad as monotheistic religions by quoting some asshole Buddhists, but nice try though (maybe you should read more carefully next time?).
TO be honest, he acts exactly like the religious people he's trying to condemn (as well as many other atheists), claiming their way is the only true way. However, what's funny though is that Buddhists are technically atheists, there's no deity in Buddhism. But nooooo, they have slightly different world view, how dare they? they must be evil -_-' Stalin was an asshole, but you don't see me claiming all atheists are bad :/
Buddhism is just about living a happy life, and thinking for yourself, which is what most atheists claim, yet, they rely on what "preachers" like Dawkins and Hitchens say.
Funny he mentions Zen Buddhism, since the most famous Zen quote is "if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him"
Greatkingrat88's avatar
In my experience, all religion, regardless of its tenets, is poisonous. It allows people to do things on an unfalsifiable merit; faith.
He's hardly as bad as the people he consistently condemns. The people he condemned were fanatics, oppressive tyrants and bullies. None of that really applied to Hitch.

To claim that Stalin was an atheist, ergo atheism leads to evil, is a natural fallacy. It's jumping to conclusions, which is why sensible people don't do it. Claiming that religion leads to destructive behaviour? Provable and real.

As for "preachers"- Dawkins and Hitchens are controversial even within the atheist community. Some dislike what they see as strident, impolite speech; in their eyes they do atheism no favours. And I seriously doubt you'll find many religious preachers urging people to think critically and think for themselves- neither of the two claim to be holders of universal truth. That sort of arrogant claim is reserved for the religious.
Delahkor's avatar
Have you actually met any Buddhist? come on, think for yourself, instead of following "the atheist way" of condemning anything that has the word religion in it. If anything Buddhism is all about observation and science. It's all about being an individual, sorry, but you need to study Buddhism before you talk (write?).

Uhm, yeah, that's my point, you can't condemn something based on the acts of the few. Saying all religion is destructive is just plain ignorant. Have you heard of a Buddhist holy war? or a Jainist one? If anything, Buddhism actually teaches you to seek the truth no matter what, it actually not only supports, but encourages science, and it even encourages one to be himself. Oh, but it can be labeled as religion, so it MUST be bad, destructive, mind washing crap -_-'

lol, if anything, Buddhists are more individual than your typical atheist.
Greatkingrat88's avatar
There is no "atheist way". There are atheists.
As for condemning, you generalize in saying atheists condemn anything related to religion. That is a cruel, uninformed and inflammatory position to take.
As for buddhism- buddhism, like any religion, follows a superstitious, unfalsifiable system. Any such system invariably ends up poisonous; that is testable and provable.

In the case of Stalin, it is NOT "acts of the few". His atheism was irrelevant to his monstrosity- he did what he did because he was paranoid, insane and power mad. He could have been a christian, muslim, or even a buddhist, and it would not have changed who he was enough to make a difference.
Religion quite clearly accentuates and inflames destructive behaviour. We would still fight one another without it, but we would have one less reason to hate. Had buddhism the numbers, it would quite likely have caused more than its share of religiously motivated wars.

Prove it. Atheism in any religiously dominated country is usually the result of critical thinking, skepticism and an individual strong enough to defy the norm. Prove to me, then, that buddhism- whose focal point, like any religion, is to conform to a shared set of values- makes a person more indivdualist than an atheist. It seems unlikely to me.
Delahkor's avatar
It's the same position you're taking on Buddhism, which ironically, by definition are also atheism, with the only difference being that Buddhists don't give a rat's ass what everyone else thinks, while many atheists spend their time hating on people they never even met based on their belief system.
Have you ever met a Buddhist that's actually a bad person BECAUSE of Buddhism? I highly doubt it, I don't think you even actually met a Buddhist, good or bad.
Oh, and Buddhism actually encourages observation, research and science, and actually changes fundamental sutras if they were proven harmful or wrong. Buddhism isn't even similar to any other religion out there, I mean, there's no deity, there's no praying, there's no hell, you're not bound to do's just a guide to encourage people to keep seeking the truth, and live happier lives.

Same logic can be applied to the Buddhist governments Hitchens was referring to, just saying...

Tell you what, go read up on Buddhism, then get back to me, because you clearly have no idea what it's about (or just believe whatever your atheist heroes tell you, makes no difference to me). Though I will say that life's too short to spend it worrying about what others (especially those you've never met or will ever do, and will have no effect on your life whatsoever) believe in, instead of enjoying yourself. Your choice.

As for proof, go to Japan, and find me one normal person there....

Or just continue hatin, makes no difference to me, have a good day.
PandaSennin's avatar
'' but it is hardly in touch with reality''

Depends on what one considers to be reality.
Delahkor's avatar
I don't think I've mentioned that in my post? (sorry, it's an old post, and I don't exactly remember what I wrote).
PandaSennin's avatar
My apologies, I knew it was an old one but I couldn't resist replying to it.
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Greatkingrat88's avatar
Okay, now you generalize about people you've never met.
As far as Buddhism goes, it's a superstitious belief system. It may not believe in a god (many do worship the buddha), but it is hardly in touch with reality.

Well, Buddhism is almost nonexistant in my country, so no.

Apparently, Islam endorses science and enlightenment in the Koran, too. Look where the middle east is now.

Any core sets of beliefs based on superstition are equal to me. Maybe Buddhism is brilliant- but I doubt if it would make a difference, because people are stupid, narrow-minded sheep who will hate anybody given the right excuse. The message becomes irrelevant in a religion.

That's not proof, that's a baseless assertion. You do Japan a disservice (and a logical impossibility, semantically speaking) by saying nobody in Japan is normal.
Oh, and on Japan- Japan is 65% nonreligious, Buddhism sharing the remaining 35% with shinto and whatever various religions they have there.

I've no hate for anybody, (aside from creationists) though you seem to have some anger issues. Have a nice day.