haganeno91's avatar
what's with the stockings and shoes....? wtf
NanaKuronoma's avatar
It looks better in Hells, anyone looks better in heels xD
haganeno91's avatar
but that's not what inori wears. If you want to go around like a hore do it but dont ruin a cosplay then please.
NanaKuronoma's avatar
xD Little girl, relaxing! :3 I do it as I think it´s good and you do, what you want to do.
haganeno91's avatar
as a cosplayer of inori too it took me a lot of work to make her stockings and shoes (wich are still not identical to her and that pisses me off) so i find a little annoying the fact that some people just randomly change details because they think she would look good in completely different stuff from the original. 
Said so peace and love, you do what you want, i do what you want. 
It's just a different way of cosplaying. 
Also i dont think that sexy concept fit her, who's yes a little naked in that outfit but she's not like "hey shu look at how sexy i am wont you bang me now?"
What i am saying is she doesnt wear those stockings and shoes, nor anything a little similar, because in that case i'd have understood;  so i was a little like "wtf is she wearing".
Just that.
NanaKuronoma's avatar
SOrry littole girl, But I cosplay for a very long time and I really like my styl of cosplay and all my fns like my styl of cosplay. You can do what you want to do and I make what I want to do. I like my (very old) Inori cosplay and my fans like it to. Just because you don´t like, I will not change it! :) Get a live, little girl!
haganeno91's avatar
do what you want. i honestly dont care.
if you like turning innocent and apathic girls into whores who am i to make you change style?
leave your life freely
NanaKuronoma's avatar
you are very funny xD I see, you have no live!
first, you upset up, than you say my cosplay sucks, I say many often "please, don´t care" and now, you don´t know what to say. So you say, what I say before, "i honestly dont care." xDDDD
I have to laugh so much!! really embarrassing little girl.
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