Chromattix's avatar
Yeah, that's what got me confused, and scared that someone else was having my jacket made :ohnoes:

I sure hope this other place I asked contacts me back. What is with companies and never e-mailing me back? Don't they want my buisness? :stare:
JustAnotherNinja's avatar
Dumb companies who tell you irrelevant information and don't send reply emails!!! Maybe they won't email you back because they know they're not capable of making your jacket design. There's always that possibility.

They're just embarrassed. -.-"
Chromattix's avatar
I have figured that myself. I know since I have done similar - I have gotten some incredibly bizarre (and really ridiculous) commission requests that made me just think "Uuuh, yeah, I'm not doing all that". One in particular was from an obvious stoner who wanted some ridiculous "symbolic" painting, featuring aliens wearing tribal masks, a New York subway leading into the ocean along with the Statue of Liberty holding a marijuana leaf, some magic mushrooms in on corner and rainforest in another, some space stuff and holographic images of other stuff in the sky, all with himself in it viewing it all :faint: That was the biggest WTF commission offer I've gotten and it would have taken me at least a month of work to do all that and try to think of a way of making everything "flow" together like it really belongs, so naturally I asked a lot - a thousand dollars since chances were it would take me almost 100 hours and I would miss out on other commissions during that time...The dude just complained about the price. I guess I shouldn't ask for anything more than pocket change from a hippie - they have no money :slow: But no way in hell was I going to do something that difficult for anything less than the most I can justify charging (normally I'm more humble, willing to work cheaper if the commission is at least easy/fun) Maybe that's what this company is like with my jacket, one thought it was so difficult a design that they wanted to get more than their money's worth for all that work, the others just didn't reply at all, they saw my jacket design and ran :lol:

I wish I knew how to do it myself, but that takes years of training which I can't afford :p
JustAnotherNinja's avatar
Whoaaa so that's the price of being a good artist. Getting bizarre commission requests from stoner hippies with no money. :lmao: Is this pity I'm feeling?
That's probably exactly what happened with your jacket. Except (assuming they like to make fun projects like you do) I would think they might give it some thought, considering the jacket looks like a fun project to work on. I guess they just know their limitations, and maybe they need the extra money? The others who didn't reply... personally, if I were them, I would have at least set a price range to see what you were willing to pay, and if the price was agreeable, then give it a try?
Unless the jacket had magic mushrooms and marijuana leaves and crap all over it. Thats just asking for a "Declined!" :lmao:
Training does tend to be expensive :(
Chromattix's avatar
Yeah, that's what I think happened - the one company that responded to me did exactly what I did to that stoner asking for that ridiculous "artwork" - they asked for a fortune because deep down they really don't want to do it and they were kinda hoping that the price would scare me off (mission accomplished I would say) That's why I wanted a thousand dollars for that commission - it was going to be a huge piece to work on with so much crap going on in it that the only way I would have considered it "worth my work" is if I got a lot for it, so I asked for a lot hoping it would scare him off from wanting it (mission accomplished :lol:) But what if he did say yes? well, I guess I would have to do it, and it would have been a pain to work on, but at least I would have gotten something worthwhile from it :shrug:

I guess that's how doing custom work of any kind works. The job needs to be "worthwhile" from the artist's point of view. I am more likeley to work a bit cheaper if the person asks for something that I consider interesting to draw and for something that's worthwhile. But some people ask for some pretty stupid things that make me lose interest before I even finish reading their description. I will likely expect more for the time on these ones since they just don't "feel" worth my time. But I think my jacket issue is different though - I don't think it has the "ridiculous" factor since it's not some stupid-looking design crowded with random crap. It just has the "too hard to make" factor. Sadly I think I might have to remove some stuff and tone it down, but I really worked for ages getting it how I like as-is :(
JustAnotherNinja's avatar
Yeah that really is how custom work operates for pretty much everyone.
The jacket is definitely NOT ridiculous, I could see it being a little difficult, but I believe if they really tried to make it, they could.
Toning it down in what way? Don't get rid of anything that makes it unique!! It really looks good as-is, and all of your hard work definitely shouldn't be downsized. Don't let the companies destroy your jacket please :disbelief: