V1lian's avatar
Wow her scars are nasty, just noticed her left arm is completely charred, too.
Did a barrel full of promethium explode to her left?
Koshindou's avatar
If I remember her backstory correctly her blessed scars resulted from holding a heretic in a fire with that arm in a moment of piety. :)
V1lian's avatar
She sure has a burning passion for her work.
Koshindou's avatar
Arrgh - the pun, it burns! :D
V1lian's avatar
She never misses an opportunity to....punish those she finds wanting.
Koshindou's avatar
You seem to have a very good grasp for this character...

That worries me a little. ;)
V1lian's avatar
I am just a leal servant of the Imperium. With a liking for hot chicks xD
Koshindou's avatar
Hot chicks and bad puns. :D