Kachinadoll's avatar
Aww, what pretty spring flowers sweetie! They look so bright and cheerful! I love this time of year when all the wildflowers are blooming and spring is in the air! Yea! Awesome capture hon! :icondancekittyplz: :heart:
Nataly1st's avatar
Thank you soooooo much, my sweet Suzi!! :iconttaasst::iconbummy1::iconbummy2::iconbummy3:
Kachinadoll's avatar
Your most welcome sweetie! :iconfurryglompplz: Ooooo, you seem to be a wee bit more chipper? Are you feeling better now hon? hehe yay! :iconfurryhugplz::iconttaasst:
Nataly1st's avatar
Yesssssssssss!!! :hug::love:
I hope we are killed this virus!!:D :D :hug:
Now we have spring allergy of farina ( this is that have all trees and flowers :D ), but this is already another story...:D :hug::heart:
Kachinadoll's avatar
Yay!!! :iconkermityayplz: I'm so glad you have finally chased away those icky bugs. hehe ;P

I think we must have similar noses! All the fruit tree's are blooming in the valley and tickling my nose. So lots of sneezes going on too! :iconrobotlaughplz: Hope the summer arrives soon and makes all this fuzzy pollen go away! haha :icondragonsneezeplz: :heart: