vvmasterdrfan's avatar
OH MAH GAWD YAAAAY XD nice bro. XD are you ganna like go beat people up with these things? i just had a mental immage of you just kinda carryin them around and some guy starts being a dick and you just stare at him for awhile and hes like "... what?! stop starin!" and your all "HEARTLESS!" and beat the shit out of him.. what the hell would you tell the cops?
vvmasterdrfan's avatar
bahahah that would be funny to hear on the news.
"random stranger violates local shop owner with large 'keyblades'"
-sorry for the late reply-
bad ass story, i like that i had to re-read what i sent to get this kind of response, also, may i help?
WOOHOO!!! ::gets my staff::