The0World0I0See's avatar
It really is. One of my cats hates the snake and the feeling is obviously reciprocated. He'll stiff the others and curl up for warmth, but when she comes into the room, they both get ready to fight. It's been that way since the snake came home from the pet store.
Shadowthorne's avatar
huh, that's odd. they must just not like each other ^_^ Can't get along with everyone i suppose
One of my cats dosen't particularly care for the snake, but he just sort of avoids her, he's never tried to attack or anything
The0World0I0See's avatar
That's what we're thinking. It's not him who attacks or anything, but my cat. She just went for him one time (he was sniffing her kitten) and it's been a strange relationship since. He tries to have nothing to do with her, but when he's out of the cage, she somehow knows and seeks him out.