Comment on Shadows by Th3R0b

CraazyT's avatar
Nice shot Rob
Th3R0b's avatar
Thx, shameless mac cloning.... I don't know why I'm this way
nowadays, some 5 years ago I never cloned anything :-|
CraazyT's avatar
yw, but it looks better then a clone ;) LOL!! Yeah you and me both Rob hehe!!
Th3R0b's avatar
Well thank you, however, that is not the case, Apple
have spent a lot of money developing the style and
probably have a team of a lot of people working on it.

However, I must say, I liked the tiger style best :)
They had brushed metal, cool slick buttons and whatnot... it's more minimal :-/
CraazyT's avatar
Yes that is totally true,

They did such an awesome job on it too, Yeah I liked that style too it blew windows away back then and still does I think in appearance.
Th3R0b's avatar

[link] <- was in 2001! Yes, that's 11 years ago.

Apple knows design and puts a lot of effort making
their products look good.
CraazyT's avatar
That was awesome!! man they should bring that back.

Totally that is why I try to clone hehe!