Animefox52's avatar
I guess I wasn't watching the first released video then. The version I saw featured the girl with cat ears and the boy with bunny ears. Since I'm sort of a nerd, I prefer them with the animal ears.

If you ask me, where the light is coming from in each picture varies depending on where the people in it are. In the beginning, the boy is pretty big and is sort of in the middle-right side of the picture, so the main light source(there were still smaller light sources around other places but this one was the biggest or shone the most) was in the bottom right corner in order to highlight the boy in it. In your version, there are two focuses and in order to highlight them both, the main light source would be in the middle. It's been a while since I've seen the video though, and it wasn't even the original. I'm probably wrong. That's just how I understood it.

I'm a noob at this really, and I don't really know much about digital art yet... so my advice to you probably wasn't very good. However, I would still love to see a picture you did of them with the animal ears, looking like their moving more fluidly, and the light based on what I've told you above.

Also, I admire the way you shade and your art style. If you would, I'd like you to check out some of my art and give me some of your advice.
