fenrirhound's avatar
Yeah, okay you keep telling yourself that. But I'll tell you what, if dumbasses like you become too insufferable and she moves somewhere else I'll be the first to tell you so you can keep jacking off to the thought of her stepping on your groin. And here's a secret: I'll know because I talk to her on skype, and I've met her in person, and I've gone out to dinner with her and her fiance. I know that's hard for a basement dweller to imagine, but it's true, some people have a life. 
Internetexplorer968's avatar
"But I'll tell you what if dumbasses like you become too insufferable and she moves somewhere else I'll be the first to tell you so you can keep jacking off to the thought of her stepping on your groin."
Tough words coming from a person who worships Cynpai like a god.
Cynpai is a fail troll, and she BAWcked me twice. It's so easy to push off fail trolls. Her arguments rely on mking fun of people's personal preferences.
fenrirhound's avatar
Aww, did she hurt your feewings? Do you want a tissue? I don't treat her like a god, I treat her like a friend. It's an easy mistake to make when you've never had one before. If she blocked you twice it was probably because you were harassing her, and continued to harass her after she blocked you the first time. Also, I don't think you can take the moral highground when you do the EXACT SAME THING as what this "Fail troll" did to you. But hey, you know what they say, if you repeat something enough times it becomes the words you write on your padded cell with your own excrement 
Internetexplorer968's avatar
Nope, she needs someone to point out her feeling of self important ego. :)
You sound just like her, are you twins?
fenrirhound's avatar
That's cute, you're deflecting now. We're not twins, but I think I'll take a page out of her book and block you, just because I know it'll make you piss yourself with rage. But as a warning, call out journals, like the one on your page, are a bannable offence. So, while you can keep telling yourself cyn will be gone soon, it's looking much more likely that you'll be gone before she is. Toodles :heart: