Etheral117's avatar
Perhaps so, but taking out the eyes is almost always a crippling move - the pilots (Amuro Ray excluded due to super-human perception and all that Newtype stuff) can no longer see, meaning they can't dodge when you take a saber or more ammo to the joints of their machines, where there is little to no armor and the limbs are therefore forcibly removed, thus crippling the enemy machine and removing the threat.

This is how I'd fight a Gundam or any Gundam-level machine (Tallgeese from Gundam Wing, that one golden thing from DESTINY, etc) if I knew my normal weapons were otherwise useless. Cripple it's eyes, and then go for the joints. Once blind and limbless, the only remaining threat from the otherwise superior mobile suit is Heero getting his hands on that pesky self-destruct button... again.....

(I haven't thought this over or anything, no, not at all.)(Once again I completely geek out, third[fourth?] time today!)