AAtheist's avatar
I can't remember exactly what it was, but I do remember losing all respect for him after he outlined his views on something. If I remember right he's one of the most sexist people you can imagine.
LimeGreenSquid's avatar
Actually no. He attacks radical feminism, true. But his positions are always in defense of equality and consensual relations.
AAtheist's avatar
Absolutely not. It was a full on, unwarranted, sexist, and disturbingly abusive comment that he made to a rape victim. You can read it here [link]
LimeGreenSquid's avatar
I know, but we all suffer heat of the moment blurtings.
AAtheist's avatar
Heat of the moment blurtings?

Have you read it?

Anybody that can come out with that is a misogynistic prick and needs a slap. I would not forgive even my closest friends if they came up with crap like that, and if they did it in my presence I would knock them out. I cannot believe that you think saying anything like that is EVER OK.

It is some of the worst stuff I have EVER read, especially as it is directed at a rape victim.
LimeGreenSquid's avatar
Don't just puss out of a conversation without even explaining the details. That's what theists do. Don't sink to that level. Tell me what was said.
I don't just accept things on faith. You should be familiar with the concept!
AAtheist's avatar
I already gave you a link, here it is again. [link]

Maybe this time if you look at what it says you'll understand why I don't like him.
LimeGreenSquid's avatar
I don't know. Everything he speaks about when he's being serious is always about equality. I'm not gonna let some one-time blow-up on some site i never visit to stop listening to him when he is personally against rape, and for equality for all. Everyone gets angry and can go overboard and say things they don't mean because they want a reaction.
I missed the conversation, and i have no idea what was really said. All i know is that the words he does say prove that he is not a misogynist at all.
Everybody goes overboard. Hell, i've even told critics of my BBW art that they're suffering from their daddies touching them before. I know that's way too far, but i was pissed off, and i wanted them to know.
I can just see more to a person than one instance of being pissed off so much he said something stupid. If he actually committed rape, then yes. I would agree with you.
AAtheist's avatar
To be honest I don't think I want to spend any time discussing stuff with anybody that thinks that kind of conversation is OK with a rape victim. Have a good day.
LimeGreenSquid's avatar
Again, i never saw the conversation, and i doubt he would have said anything if he knew she was a rape victim. And if he did, again, sometimes anger makes regular people go overboard. Tell me what he said that was so horrible. You're asking me to believe on faith here.
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The-Psychonaut's avatar
I don't agree with him that the death penalty is a fascistic paradigm, because in society, in any macrocosm certain behaviors must be discouraged. Even to the point where mortal penalties must needs be enforced.
AAtheist's avatar
I'm a bit murky on it myself. There are other ways to deal with it, but personally I'm not entirely certain it is worth it.