jbeverlygreene's avatar
I like carlin except when he gets into his bigoted representation of God. seems like he's trying to compete in the bullshit department with religion. these stereotypes about what the Bible is about are so completely contrary to what it says, it's not funny.
AAtheist's avatar
I get the feeling you are mistaking what he's saying as a description of god, when actually he talks about what OTHER people think of god. For example, in this little speech he never at any point mentions the bible, or implies that it represents the bible at all. He is in fact talking about the people following the religion, and how they attempt to use it to pervert your way of thinking.
jbeverlygreene's avatar
I can't quote him, but I've heard him going on rants about how unfair God is & stuff & to me, what's he's talking about is religion or churchianity, not the real God. I respect him on his opinion, in a way, cause I feel the same way about church & their ilk, but for me, I've found that the real God is not like that.
of course, I wasn't raised in some catholic penitentiary school system.
and again, I have the utmost respect for his political beliefs & his great humor.
AAtheist's avatar