ThisPendentWorld's avatar
Yeah, that´s why my armies never reach the desired size, because I still want every single mini to look cool, and I don´t wanna settle for less than what I can do, you know what I mean? It´s pretty frustrating because it´s slow and tedious, and so damn repetitive!
ezioauditore97's avatar
The rule of cool indeed my friend! How one can paint 50+ Space Marines nonstop is beyond me though there are those with such habits that churn out creative conversions ,vivid paint-jobs,and armies and I'm all for them doing that!
ThisPendentWorld's avatar
It looks great, and some people are actually able to do it in a reasonable amount of time. How they´re able to, I have no idea, or if they do in fact take a long time, how do they have the patience?!
ezioauditore97's avatar
Beats me,but the results sure can be incredible!