Xeerinare's avatar
So you made this one out of the new one? :confused:
NightmareCaster's avatar
I'm Not telling what i Made the New One Out of for I Take Commission so Don't want people Copying me on what is used and it not what the base is But what makes it stronger then anything that i'm keeping from Everyone sorry I'm Trying something new but I did Make the New one and the Old one I made Just last year and it was Already out dated to me so I Made a New one that was Stronger then the Old one.
Xeerinare's avatar
Okie dokie that's fine. :)

Can you tell me how you made the old one then?

Also could you tell me where you got the cool design for your scythes?
NightmareCaster's avatar
Sorry i was a butt back then but I used the Blue foam you get a the Hardware store for houses and stuff and i used Pleather for the red to the scythe and if i redo it witch I well I'm going to most likely use plexiglass and resin and if you make is scythe you do need to make it were you can break it down to 2 or 3 pieces like for the 1st scythe I didn't make it break down and it broke but Fan girl attack and 2nd one broke down to 2 pieces and the 3 one when down into 3 pieces and when you use that Blue foam you need to put a sheet of Wood behind it or put some PVC pipe in somewhere or you'll have some limp noodle scythe.