greyflea's avatar
Oh I know - I mean, I think Gary Oldman's a great actor and all, but NO WAY is he Sirius. Hmmm, I really wanted to know what happened when he fell through that arch/veil thing. I wonder if Ms Rowling will ever reveal that?
kristiana's avatar
I don't know... Can't remember what it was called.. that room with the veil.. In Finnish translation it was 'kalmakammari' or something like that and in English that's (freely translated) 'death chamber'.. o_O And after all it is the Department of Mysteries so I think that veil is death. It's the gate between the life and death.. That's what I've been thinking.
greyflea's avatar
Hmmm, yeah....obviously not something you'd wanna walk through. ;) Such a horrible idea; but I always wondered, what did he exactly die of? What did going through that arch do to him? O.o Maybe it's something that'll go unanswered.
kristiana's avatar
Perhaps... I just miss my dear dear Sirius.. And I swear if Rowling kills Remus Lupin I'M GOING TO KILL HER!!!!!
kristiana's avatar
Indeed, when she knows what I shall do to her if she does kill Lupin...
greyflea's avatar
Oooo, she wouldn't dare! ;)