wazubababi's avatar
that would be interesting... maybe it could be alistair if you made it into a dream in your mind lol... I just felt like that couple needed a happy moment before M came along...
KylaDragonfly's avatar
even my first pg was a beautiful Cousland with black hair, green eyes and well a love story with Zevran..u.u but at the end I thought "shit I could have been queen!"xD
wazubababi's avatar
zev was actually my last romanced partner.. got the achievement with him he he... kinda funny since he's the easiest to bed lol.. I went with Alistair first lol wasn't queen though... I died... lol but I can live with out being queen for Zev :faint:
KylaDragonfly's avatar
LoL the weird part was create a male pg for Morrigan achievement..U.u
wazubababi's avatar
really? I thought Leliana is weird.... I had no issue romancing Morrigan lol