Finaglerific's avatar
They really are. Fractals are all over the place; I can say from having worked with them a lot, and I've implemented them into so many different pieces. They're nothing if not versatile.

And that's really neat. Making brushes is something that I've wanted to delve into for a while here, but haven't really had the time to. xD Hopefully, as school lets out, I'll have more time.
And, if you're interested, I've been working on some rather cloudy/blurry fractals that I'd be more than happy to donate to said brushes, it sounds like something they would fit well into.
Jamey4's avatar
The power that making brushes in Photoshop gives you is UNBELIEVABLE. You can SO many things with them; it's insane. They completely changed the way I used Photoshop after I made them...

As for the fractal donations, that sounds awesome! I have no idea how I'd be able to implement them into my brushes, but if you feel like sending me something, feel free to send me a private note :)
Finaglerific's avatar
Sounds like something I should get on then. xD