ame-kami's avatar
hi, i absolutely LOVE this fish of yours :D i was looking for pieces to inspire me for a piece i'm drawing for my mom, and i came across this. i used it as a reference for what my fish was going to look like. i hope that's okay :) it's definitely NOT the same drawing lol. it just looks similar. is that alright?
kittahxd's avatar
:] It's perfectly fine. I'm glad that my little fishy could inspire you! :D

The theft thing was mostly aimed at a few people who had copied him exactly, right down to the bubbles and the colour choices. :[ So inspired-by drawings don't apply, and you're in the clear. :] I hope your mom likes it!
ame-kami's avatar
thanks a lot :D and yeah, it can be pretty irritating when someone tries to take credit for your work. glad you're cool with it :D thanks ^^