j-krumweed's avatar
I kind of like that when they leave room for interpretation. It sort of encourages the imagination of fans. What was PB and Marcie's dynamics like? Why did Marcie give PB the shirt? etc, etc. It allows the mind to wander and become that much more engaged in the story itself by wondering and (in many cases) contemplating their friendship (or more-than-friend"ship") and what it was like before they grew apart. It's cool, cause they aren't treating their fans like simple consumers, but allowing them consider what was meant by what was said and, more importantly, what was not said.

Sorry, I rambled, got a bit theoretical there. ^^;
icanhascheezeburger's avatar
Yeah, those are the benefits of our dear friend Subtext.
I expect we'll be given more hints towards whatever past they had but so far in the show they've only ever talked to each other in one episode.
But I'm afraid that there will be some sort of closure - despite the fact that closure is something that we tell ourselves we want, we never end up happy with it.
So let us continue with beloved subtext for now! :D
j-krumweed's avatar
As a Buddhist would say, nothng is ever quite the way we imagine it will be, and closure never is. So, lay that subtext on me. It's more fun this way. :XD:
AsterDog's avatar