nosfertete1's avatar
Can you please make Gnomishlight/dark Grey/Stone/Black, whatever darkish colour exists; I never had a theme which adapted that perfectly to my dozens of different linux apps. It's incredible !
tsujan's avatar
Sorry about my previous reply; I thought you meant the icons.

I migrated to KDE, so I won't make another GTK+ theme. However, I'll maintain GnomishDark, GnomishGray and GnomishBeige. Now I'm working on KDE ports of the nouveGnome icon sets.
nosfertete1's avatar
Oh, another question, if Im allowed: Im craving for nouve black icons (as available for KDE will be released for Gnome. Is this realistic, or do I have to dream on ;)?
tsujan's avatar
I have already made and will complete nouveKDEGray ([link]) for KDE.

As for making a black theme out of nouveGnomeray or nouveKDEGray, there has been an interesting idea from a Gnome user. So, I may make a black icon set someday (no promise because I'm quite busy now).
nosfertete1's avatar
Im still hoping, waiting, I set gnomishgray as my default theme, it is the most smoothly running and best compiled one I ever had. I tried to change the themerc. in gnomishdark to black, but failed because of absolute incompetence from my side and the many beautiful gradients and widgets :D
tsujan's avatar
You could colorize all the icons with ImageMagick. See here [link]

Or, as the author of that nice utility told me, you could save this bash script to a file in the top level of the extracted icons folder, make it executable and run it. Just change the relevent numbers:


#Red = 0,61,61
#blue = 61,61,0
#green = 61,0,61
#yellow = 0,0,100

find -iname "*.png" -o -iname "*.svg"| while read file
if [ ! -L "$file" ];then
echo Converting "$file" ...
convert "$file" -colorize 61,0,61 "$file"
nosfertete1's avatar
Hey, I will try that! Thank you, but what a pity we lost you to KDE ;)
tsujan's avatar
Although I left Gnome for KDE, I still have Gnome on one of my 2 Debian installations and will use it for developing these themes. Updates will come, although not as often as before.
nosfertete1's avatar
I hope so, although I can completely understand you, when even changing a gtk theme in xfce 4.10 nowadays can break your system :-(. But I have a KDE install too, meanwhile, as 4.10 is way better and faster than 4.8. So I can still follow your great work
tsujan's avatar
I'll update GnomishGray as soon as the new GTK+ comes to Debian Unstable.

I've made QKDark ([link]) for KDE and will update it soon. I have a plan to make a gray version too.